Sunday, June 29, 2008

Peaches & Cream Teddy Bear Cookie Delight

So McKenna, our 4 year old is in love with the idea of dessert! One night when I made a big meal with a dessert at the end she just loved the idea. So every single night she has to have dessert. Of course I don't bake THAT often, so its usually jello, pudding, applesauce, fruit, etc. Anyway tonight she comes in and says "Mommy, I'm hungry for dessert" and I told her that we didn't have anything to eat for dessert. The she said "oh pickles!" a lovely phrase she has now taught my 2 year old as well. I felt bad so I started looking through my cabinets to find something to make at a moments notice. Tomorrow is grocery day so I knew there were slim pickins. But I did have dream whip and pudding left over from the Aloha cake and I started thinking, hmm parfaits. So I threw what I had together and here it is. Since its such a spur of the moment thing nothing is measured but its easy enough that you won't need to know. And the combinations are ENDLESS!
I needed them cold in a hurry so I put them in the freezer while we ate supper and then they were frosty and yummy!

Peaches & Cream Teddy Bear Cookie Delight


Small can of Peaches, I had fresh peaches but forgot, so you could use fresh instead
Small box of Vanilla pudding
1 envelope dream whip
2 cups milk for pudding
1/2 cup milk for dream whip
1/2 tsp vanilla for dream whip
Half of a box of teddy bears. Teddy grahms would work fine, I just didn't have any, I had some other kind of teddy bear cookies.

I put the dream whip, vanilla and milk in the kitchen aide and let her rip.

While that is working I started whisking my milk and pudding. When both are completed you start assmebling.

I used individual rammicans (I can't spell) but you could use small parfait glasses as well. This made 4.

Crumble a couple of the teddy bears in your hand and sprinkle on the bottom of container. Enough to cover. Spoon pudding over that and then layer 2 or 3 peaches on top. Spoon dream whip on top of that. Then the next layer is pudding. Then cover the top of the pudding with whole teddy bears. Then dream whip. And a peach on top for decoration.

Chill until ready to serve or being the impatient person I am, you could put them in the freezer and eat them after a few minutes!

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